Outreach Coordinator, Allegra, hard at work.
Today is Food Day here at UC Berkeley Campus, and the Outreach Committee has a lot of projects that have really culminated in today. Beginning in the semester, we have worked every tabling opportunity from SERC's Sustainability Expo on Lower Sproul on Wednesday, September 14th, meeting new members and potential collaborators. We tabled at the CNR Welcome Orientation for new students in August, talking to environmentally-conscious majors about the food collective's mission and desire for a more just food system. We also spoke at the BFI Open House to tell other foodies about the BSFC and the projects we do to improve our own food system.
One of our large projects for the semester in terms of outreach is working with communities on UC Berkeley's campus that are largely not present in our store, because we either do not sell the everyday goods they want or we are not advertising ourselves well enough to them. In order to break down this barrier to being a customer at the BSFC, we, in partnership with Publicity and Education are going to hold a BSFC expo, talking to people from all over campus about what products we sell, where we could improve, and what they already like about our store. Everything from the weekly box to our bulk bins is going to be explained so shoppers feel more familiar with our products!
Finally, stay tuned for the release of our annual Nood Food calendar! Members have had positive conversations about gender, body image, and consent in preparation for our annual calendar shoot flaunting our collective spirit and favorite and most appealing produce. Please come out to the calendar's Release Party, hosted at a location TBA in late November. It's the perfect way to get you and your friends a practical holiday gift before finals set in. There will be delicious food, good music, and ~discounted~ calendars. Stay tuned for more information and a Facebook event!
Thanks for reading about Outreach, if you have any questions or inputs in regards to what we could be doing better, reach out to outreach@foodcollective.org